Monday 7 September 2015


What is good life? What is happiness? What is success? What is pleasure? How should I treat other people? How should I cope with unfortunate events? How can I get rid off unnecessary worry? How should I handle liberty? All these are the questions I keep asking my self then discovered 7 powerful ways that can help live a good life,
1. Examine life, engage life with vengeance; always search for new pleasures and new destinies to reach with your mind. 
2. Worry only about the things that are in your controlthe things that can be influenced and changed by your actions, not about the things that are beyond your capacity to direct or alter. 
3. Treasure Friendship, the reciprocal attachment that fills the need for affiliation. Friendship cannot be acquired in the market place, but must be nurtured and treasured in relations imbued with trust and amity. 
4. Experience True PleasureAvoid shallow and transient pleasures. Keep your life simple. Seek calming pleasures that contribute to peace of mind. True pleasure is disciplined and restrained.
5. Master Yourself. Resist any external force that might delimit thought and action; stop deceiving yourself, believing only what is personally useful and convenient; complete liberty necessitates a struggle within, a battle to subdue negative psychological and spiritual forces that preclude a healthy existence; self mastery requires ruthless cador.
6. Avoid Excess. Live life in harmony and balance. Avoid excesses. Even good things, pursued or attained without moderation, can become a source of misery and suffering.
7. Be a Responsible Human BeingApproach yourself with honesty and thoroughness; maintain a kind of spiritual hygiene; stop the blame-shifting for your errors and shortcomings.
"Love everything and everyone in your life and neighborhood. Don’t listen to the negative comments others make. Help the most needed in your community because it will bring happiness to your soul; and your soul would be a good soul because you are applying your good virtues. Like Socrates’ philosophy said about good life “If you apply you good moral your soul good live a good life”. There are different ways to apply your virtues of love in your community. For instance keeping your community clean and encouraging others to do it; or bringing harmony in families or neighborhoods by gathering people to celebrate certain occasions together. Likewise Marcus Aurelius said on his philosophy about reflection “Be always doing something serviceable to mankind and let this generosity be your pleasure, no forgetting a due regard to God”. By helping an ailing person in your neighborhood you are not only applying your good virtues but you also enjoying the pleasure of doing it; and acknowledging our God for the gift of life."

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