WHAT IS THE SOLUTION TO DEATH? (Romans 5:12-14). Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned.
Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
There is no question that one of the greatest trials that we will face in our lifetime is the loss of a loved one. As we face that event we often begin to ask God questions like, why did my parent, or spouse, or child have to die? Even more difficult is the day the doctor tells you that you are going to die. When faced with the death of a loved one, or even our own death, we ask God, Why must everyone die?
Why do innocent babies die? Why do good people die? Why is it that bad people are not the only ones that die? According to the way that man thinks, if it was a just world, good people would live forever, and bad people would die at a young age, in a horrible way. But that is not the way it works in our world, everyone dies. Little children die, moral people die, and even religious people die right along with the bad people. Death is universal. The question is why, and is there a solution to the problem of death?
For a universal effect there must be a universal cause. That cause is a state of universal sin, but what was the cause of this universal state of sin? The direct answer is that we all die because the first man, Adam, rebelled against God by violating God’s direct commandment.
The consequence of Adam’s sin was that a universal state of sin was given to all of Adam’s descendants. As the descendants of Adam all men must now die, even innocent children. There is the saying that only two things are certain in this life, death and taxes. Until the day Jesus comes, each of us will certainly face death because of sin.
Well you say, Keith that is not fair. Why must I die because of something Adam did? Actually, not only is it fair, but it is to our advantage to have sin enter the world through the acts of one man.
Listen to this podcast to learn that the wonderful thing about God’s love for man is that it is because sin and death entered as a result of one man’s sin, that the solution is provided by the death of one Man as well. Jesus Christ is the world’s solution to eternal death.
The death, burial, and resurrection, of Jesus Christ means that everyone who has ever lived can have eternal life if they have, or will, believe in Christ’s completed work of salvation. We can have eternal life with Jesus in heaven because He was divinely capable of being the One man who could pay the universal penalty of our sin, and Jesus volunteered to do this for you and for me.
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